All faculties of the University of Graz are involved in the doctoral program with a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines (digital humanities, information science and business informatics, education, philosophy, psychology, law, system sciences, theology, economics).
Tasks of the DP HFDT:
- Establishment of a platform for theoretical and method(olog)ical questions in the context of interdisciplinary research on the human factor in digital transformation
- In cooperation with the HFDT research network, development of a joint research space at the University of Graz for continuous exchange on the topic of Human Factor in Digital Transformation
- Involvement of outstanding doctoral students in a research-related discussion and cooperation context in addition to regular teaching and direct supervision relationships
- Joint organization of scientific activities (events, joint publications, summer courses)
- Organization of relevant scientific events in cooperation with the HFDT research network
- Strengthening internationality by supporting study and research stays at foreign universities and inviting guest lectures

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.iur. Elisabeth Staudegger
+43 316 380 - 3408
Institut für Rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagen
Participation/target group/requirements
The target group of the DP HFDT are all postgraduate students from different disciplines who are working on a dissertation with a clear focus on the human factor in digital transformation or with essential aspects touching on digitalization.
Membership of the DP-HFDT is not a mandatory requirement for completing the respective doctoral program. Rather, it is based on the voluntary and sincere efforts of those involved to create an additional offer. Students can participate in a maximum of 2 doctoral programs.
The prerequisite for participation in the DP-HFDT is that the dissertation addresses an HFDT-specific issue. If this is the main focus of the thesis, membership throughout the entire doctoral program makes sense. If aspects of digital transformation are only dealt with marginally, membership for a short period (at least 1 semester) is also possible in order to discuss specific questions and problems with the members of the doctoral programme. Applications must be submitted to the DP HFDT via the supervisors with a description of the dissertation project and a letter of motivation . The decision on admission is made by a simple majority of the participating habilitation students.
Student members regularly take part in joint interdisciplinary doctoral colloquia. These are offered to the extent of 6 ECTS per semester. In these colloquia, overarching issues are discussed in connection with the dissertation projects of the participating students.
Information on the certificate application
If students have successfully completed the required number of courses in the doctoral program (at least 3 courses), a certificate of successful completion of the doctoral program "Human Factor in Digital Transformation" can be issued upon request.
All you need to do is submit an informal application with the relevant transcripts of records (certificates) and a completed data sheet by email to: dp-hfdt(at)
The certificate will be issued after the documents have been checked and confirmed by the speaker.