Keynote: "Diversity or Otherness with digital media - towards a diversity-sensitive Renaissance of Web 2.0 Teaching and Learning.” |
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Diversity or Otherness with digital media - towards a diversity-sensitive Renaissance of Web 2.0 Teaching and Learning.
Diversity is often presented as a respectful approach to plurality. A range of tools, such as the diversity wheel, have been developed to identify diverse identities/social groups and their needs. Based on this identification of the social groups, their needs can be addressed appropriately - e.g. via flexible digital teaching/learning designs. This established approach towards diversity and diversity-sensitive teaching and learning neglects intersectional identities' actual openness and complexity. Instead of addressing individuals according to their complex biographical backgrounds, social groups are constructed in terms of classical (Western) Othering. In contrast, a post-identitarian understanding of diversity emphasizes the 'indifference' and incompleteness of subject constructions. In line with these epistemological considerations regarding an appropriate diversity-sensitive approach to diversity, (radically) constructivist digital teaching/learning strategies can be revived - for example, 'traditional' e-Learning 2.0 teaching and learning strategies. These strategies can be implemented within diversity-sensitive teaching- and learning processes. Approaches such as cMoocs or PLEs can thus meet the complexity of the needs of intersectional, post-identitarian subjectivities.
Further details on the keynote can be found in the presentation document and in the bibliography.

"Responses to threat- and solution-oriented climate news: A Project Overview"
Marie Kogler (Environmental Systems Sciences)