About the conference
The conference "In ICT we trust" follows a broad, non-reductive concept of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is not reduced to a purely technical problem. Rather, the focus is on ethical implications and socio-cultural perceptions of digital environments. The establishment and general spread of information and communication technologies (ICT) in European societies is not just a question of functionality, (technical) security and user-friendliness. Rather, ethical standards are gaining in importance when it comes to the introduction of ICT, such as respect for civil and human rights. On the other hand, there appear to be significant cultural differences in public opinion with regard to recent developments in the field of ICT and the recent revelations about the misuse of personal data. Concerns about issues such as cybercrime, the use of personal data and surveillance vary widely between EU Member States. Due to remaining knowledge gaps in this field of research, the European Commission has launched a series of projects to better understand the conditions of trustworthiness of ICT products and services.
The European Commission has made the establishment of a European digital single market one of its political priorities. However, the existing plethora of socio-cultural expectations and ethical standards in the field of ICT defies a simple solution. The search for trustworthy ICT solutions in a flourishing data economy currently seems to be foundering on a boundless drive for technological innovation and attempts to establish security through state surveillance. The interdisciplinary conference "In ICT we trust" deals with key topics for trustworthy ICT products and services based on findings from European research projects. The contributions aim to deepen the understanding of "trust in ICT" and to translate these findings into recommendations for regulation, standardization and technology development.
The conference was organized in cooperation with the Horizon 2020 project TRUESSEC.eu - an inter- and transdisciplinary project on trust and security of ICT products and services.
28.6.2018 | Conference |
0915-1000 | Conference registration Opening: Elisabeth Staudegger University of Graz) |
1000-1030 | Welcome: Introduction to the conference: Martin Griesbacher (TRUESSEC.eu) |
1030-1130 | Ludmilla Georgieva (Attachée of the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU) Current Policy Priorities for Cybersecurity in the European Union |
1130-1230 | Kay Cepera (TU Dortmund, Project: Abida - assessing big data) Trust in algorithms. An empirical study of users' willingness to change behavior Svetlana Abramova (University of Innsbruck, Project: TITANIUM) Impact of Cybercrime on the Societal Level |
1230-1330 | Buffet |
1330-1500 | Michele Loi (University of Zurich, Project: CANVAS) Value-driven cybersecurity using the example of the health sector Linda Strick (Fraunhofer Fokus, Project: EU-SEC) Providing trust through efficient cloud security certification Georg Wagner (TU Graz, Project: LIGHTest) Facing Identity Fraud: automating trust decisions on a global scale via DNS |
1500-1510 | Break |
1510-1630 | Norah Neuhuber (Virtual Vehicle, Project: SCOTT) The SCOTT-Framework: Foundations for building trusted systems Felix Hörandner (TU Graz, Project: CREDENTIAL) Reducing Trust Requirements through Cryptography |
1630-1700 | Coffee break |
1700-1800 | Hristina Veljanova (University of Graz/Ethics, Project: TRUESSEC.eu) Introduction to a Criteria Catalogue of Trustworthiness of ICT Interdisciplinary comments on the Criteria catalogue from: |
1800-1930 | Panel discussion: Jon Kingsbury (KTN): Ludmilla Georgieva (Attachée of the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, Federal Chancellery/Co-Chair of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues and the WP on Data Protection) Helmut Leopold (Head of Center for Digital Safety and Security, AIT) Thomas Grechenig (CEO at RISE GmbH, Head of the Institute for Industrial Software, TU Vienna) Tracy Harwood Reader in Digital Marketing and Consumer Culture/Manager, Usability Lab, De Montfort University) |
1930- | Buffet |
29.06.2018 | workshop |
0845-0900 | Welcome & introduction: Harald Stelzer (University of Graz) |
0900-1010 | World Café Key Concepts for Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Criteria |
1010-1030 | Intermezzo #1 Stefano Bianchi (softeco.it, Project: ANASTACIA): Herbert Leitold (TU Graz, Project: FutureTrust): |
1030-1045 | Coffee break |
1045-1200 | World Café Building Bridges: GSK expertise, technical solutions, standards and regulation |
1200-1220 | Intermezzo #2 Susanne Sackl-Sharif (FH JOANNEUM Graz, Project: RESCUE): Christian Kittl (evolaris), Georg Lindsberger (XiTrust) (Project: MMAssist II): |
1145-1230 | Follow-up engagements for the exchange between projects |
1230 | End of the workshop |
Event team
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Staudegger
Institute for Legal Studies
Department of Law and IT
- Prof. Dr. Harald Stelzer
Department of Philosophy
Department of Political Philosophy
- Martin Griesbacher, MA.
Organizational inquiries:
- Hristina Veljanova, MA.
Institute of Legal Studies
Department of Law and IT

TRUESSEC.EU is a Coordination and Support Action investigating the role of certification and labeling schemes in measuring the trustworthiness properties of ICT products. Within TRUESSEC.EU, trustworthiness metrics are investigated and defined from a multidisciplinary legal, ethical, sociological, technical and business perspective. Emphasis is being devoted to human rights and explicit individuals desires, when metrics to measure trust for ICT services are defined and assessed.
With this aim, TRUESSEC.EU works and results are sustained by three pillars:
A StakeHolders' Online Platform(SHOP), where associated cluster projects and stakeholders from industry, academia, governments and civil society will gather, participate in debates, get informed, and provide their opinions and feedback on the topics of the project.
A series of Support Analysis and Studies(SUPPA) from multidisciplinary perspectives on issues of trustworthiness certification and assurance, to study the situation of trust-enhancing labels, barriers/incentives to industry adoption and consumer acceptance.
A set of Recommendations on European Trust-Enhancing Labels(ETEL) dealing with: methodological aspects of certification and assurance, a catalogue of criteria for labels and certifications, and regulatory aspects to foster their adoption, plus a strategic agenda. These recommendations will reflect the conclusions obtained from the support analysis and from the stakeholders engagement.
Panel discussion
► TRUESSEC.eu debate at the "In ICT We Trust?" conference:
Recently, a number of incidents have come to light where companies have been unable to protect their users' data. This has led to an increasing erosion of trust in digital products and services. In addition, it is often difficult for many users to assess the trustworthiness of digital products and services.
One possible solution may be the clear labeling and certification of ICT products and services. TRUESSEC.eu, an EU-funded project, aims to research the situation, barriers and benefits of security and privacy labels. The aim is to provide the EU Commission with recommendations on how companies can strengthen trust in ICT through labeling and certification.
The Pordium discussion will address the role of trust in the adoption of ICT and EU-wide regulation, certification and labeling schemes. The focus will be on criteria for trust and trustworthiness of ICT products and services such as security, privacy, utility/value or autonomy (e.g. increasing trust by giving users more control over their data).
Join our debate on June 28 at the University of Graz to hear from an international panel of experts on the socio-cultural aspects of labeling, trust, privacy and certification of ICT products and services.
Workshop with European projects
- abida - assessing big data
- ANASTACIA - Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS / IOT Architectures
- CANVAS - Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity
- CREDENTIAL - Secure Cloud Identity Wallet
- EU-SEC - The European Security Certification Framework
- FutureTrust
- LIGHTest
- MMAssist II - Assistance systems in production in the context of human-machine cooperation
- SCOTT - Secure Connected Trustable Things
- RESCUE: Researching Social Media and Collaborative Software Use in Emergency Situations